3 Important Market Elements for Your Business Marketing Strategy in the Disruption Era
3 Important Market Elements for Your Business Marketing Strategy in the Disruption Era
3 Market Elements Important for Your Business Marketing Strategy in the Disruption Era In this disruption era, everything changes with a life span that tends to be short as a consequence of technological developments and higher internet penetration. This is certainly very confusing business or company in finding marketing strategies or marketing strategies that are suitable to be applied in such a short time.
Well, in this article, we will discuss 3 elements of the market that are worthy of you to make the target of observation that will be very useful when you formulate your business or brand marketing strategy in this era of disruption.
What are the 3 elements of the market?
In a book titled Marketing In Challenging Times, Hermawan Kartajaya wrote nicely how a marketer or business owner must respond to the challenging times marked by the recession of the world economy and technological disruption that greatly colors the conditions ofeconomy Indonesia's global and local.
In the book, Hermawan Kartajaya, said that there are at least 3 subcultural elements in a dynamic and growing market that you must always observe and make them part ofmarketingstrategies your current and futureand business.
The three elements of the market subculture that are believed to determine the face and future of business and marketing strategies in Indonesia are Youth, Women, and Netizens.
3 Elements of the Market Subculture
# 1 Youth (Youth)
It cannot be denied, the role of young people in the life of Indonesian society is very dominant.
History records various historical events which were indeed spearheaded and dominated by these young people, for example the Youth Pledge of 1928, the Reformation of 1998, and there are still many major events in this country which are very nuanced of young people who are able to have a big impact on social life.
Now, young people still have a very big role in driving trends in various fields, be it business, politics, entertainment, fashion, and so on.
The character of these young people is quite unique, they tend to be naive and idealistic who tend to defend what they believe to be true.
Young people have the desire (desire) tall to be considered as a successful and well established. They have fears (anxieties) to be considered a failure.
For this reason, these young people tend to be among those who will truly take advantage ofsolution anythat enables them to get the best products faster and easier.
Remember, it should be noted, products are faster and easier, not cheaper.
They tend to use a product that provides easy requirements and provides high benefits to be able to bring them closer to their ultimate goal, which is to become an established person quickly.
Today's young people also like being seen as popular, humorous, or wise. They are trying to build their personal branding on popular social media with a theme not far from these three things.
When trying to find information quickly, young people tend to use the internet as a solution. For detailed information, they will choose the newspaper. Meanwhile, for a creative search, people easily prefer magazines. And, for ease of access, television is still a favorite of ease in finding information.
Another thing that is important for you to realize, young people love hobbies that really illustrate their personal character. Whether it's a hobby of socialization, self-actualization, or just looking for personal pleasure. The way young people express their hobbies is inseparable from the role of social media. In fact, studies show that some of them deliberately allocate funds for their hobbies.
Another interesting trend, young people are now very familiar with the meaning of health. Many of the young people are starting to live a healthy lifestyle.
# 2 Women (Women)
In Indonesia, the survey showed that women taking a big role in the management of household finances. They act as managers of family finances and also their partner's finances.
Not infrequently, women are the spearhead of every purchase decision with the value of long-term investment in the family, for example the decision to buy a house, insurance, investment savings, and so on.
Women have the characteristic of not making their own decisions, but rather asking for consideration from the surrounding social environment such as family or friends before making a decision.
When faced with difficult economic conditions, women tend to be able to better regulate the financial rhythm of themselves and their families to be able to balance things out.
Desires or desires of these women, among others, have a high income and have many friends. They tend to be afraid (anxieties) of being lonely in a crowd. Therefore, it is not surprising that women in Indonesia exist very much on social media.
Indonesian women are very worried about cracking in the family. They really enjoy a good relationship with their husbands and children.
In any social environment, women are very afraid of being rejected by their environment. They really want to be accepted in the social environment where they are.
Women really want to live their lives according to their personal desires. Therefore, they are very afraid of not being able to fulfill their dreams.
This is the uniqueness of women, in addition to thinking about themselves, they will tend to look for products or solutions that allow themselves to be able to live the best life with their partners, children, and social environment.
Therefore, you as a business owner, when trying to approach women as part of your marketing strategy or marketing strategy, consider that women are not merely looking for solutions for themselves, but this solution must provide the best response for their family and environment.
There are 3 activities that are often "chatting" Indonesian women with their friends, namely personal activities, the food they eat / cook, and their families. In these three things the center of women's conversation on social media.
# 3 Netizens (The Active in the Maya)
Of all groups of people, netizens are the group that knows the most information.
This netizen is the main cause of the increase in the use of internet access in Indonesia. Before making a decision, they rely heavily on information from the Internet.
Netizens tend to be more open to new things. What they get from the internet, if indeed after they re-check it feels logical and in accordance with themselves, then they are not reluctant to accept things or new ideas.
However, netizens are a group of people who are very dependent on the existence of internet access. If the internet access they have is experiencing problems, they will be very cranky.
For them, the internet is the solution to almost all the problems they have.
That is why, in theworld offline, even these netizens tend to choose solutions that are fast, practical, and easy to use. They will tend to use various mobile apps to dig up information and find solutions and make decisions.
This needs to be observed by you business owners, that the activities of such netizens you need to facilitate so that your business remains relevant to them.
Research shows that 94.9% of netizens use their smartphones to access the internet in their daily lives.
In addition to searching for information, smartphones are also used as a means for personal note and reminders, financial transactions, and even as a wallet / digital money. They keep everything in their grasp.
Netizens have a big influence in making public opinion about a matter. The impact you can feel how reviews and comments netizens'on the quality of a product or service can greatly affect the sale of the product / service.
In an article that I wrote earlier entitled 7 Practical Tips for Small Business SMEs Can Win Business Competition in the Middle of the Big Brands of the Digital Age, I have discussed how the power of Search, Rating, and Review can be powerful weapons against brands big brand.
This overall condition in Indonesia directly affects the situation of business competition and the behavior of buyers. Do not let this become an obstacle for you or your marketing team, instead you should make this a good opportunity to grab the market immediately from the hands of your competitors by making it part of your business marketing strategy.
How to make it part of your marketing strategy?
Now, after you understand the characteristics of the 3 elements of subculture in the Indonesian market, it's time for you to develop a marketing strategy that can take heart from the three elements earlier.
Some important points that you deserve to make part of your business marketing or marketing strategy based on the characteristics of Youth - Woman - Netizens include:
make your business easy to find on the internet (social media, google search engine, etc.) so can be part of an easy, fast and practical solution for young people and netizens in Indonesia.
make your business relevant to your target market who want to achieve the dream of life, personal success, and popularity on social media in their daily lives.
be a business that provides solutions not only for your personal buyers, but can also have a positive impact on the buyer's family and social environment, especially if your business target market is dominated by women.
make your business easier favored by netizens that comments and reviews(comment and share)that they make can provide good public opinion that boost sales of the products / services you are selling business.
continue to observe and continue to approach these three elements of the market, Youth - Women - Netizens, so that you can continue to build sustainable marketing trends and strategies, which are accepted by these three elements.
Good luck!